Meet our Mares
Carefully selected broodmareband
SCS Unique Legend Palatina
34"bay AMHA, AMHR, ASPC mare
Multiple Grand Champion & Reserve Supreme Champion
CCMF Almira AL Zaira
34"Silver bay AMHA, AMHR mare
Multiple National Grand Champion, World Reserve Grand Champion & World Champion produver
Kingswood Fuegos Pokerface
32"medicin hat AMHA, AMHR mare
Multiple (4x) Supreme Champion AMHA & AMHR
Marielunds Gaspars Beauty Queen
33"palomino AMHA, AMHR, ASPC (triple registered) mare
Grand Daughter of Establo Mario
Kingswood Boleros Donatella
34"silver tobiano AMHA, AMHR, ASPC (triple registered) mare
Daughter of SMO Bolero de Suerte
EBF SH Casta Diva
33,5"buckskin AMHA, AMHR mare
One of the last "Junior" daughters
EBF SH Casta Diva
33,5"buckskin AMHA, AMHR mare
One of the last "Junior" daughters
EBF SH Casta Diva
33,5"buckskin AMHA, AMHR mare
One of the last "Junior" daughters
Elevens Burtons Bombshell
32"silver palomino AMHA, AMHR
Multiple Reserve Grand Champion, multiple Champion, Honor Roll Champion
Modello Hawks EJ Ballerina Hawk
34"bay AMHA, AMHR mare
Multiple Supreme Champion IMHC
PHR Jess A Pink Moon Rising
34"black AMHA, AMHR, ASPC (triple registered) mare
Multiple Champion,, daughter of 'Jesse James of Rivenburgh'